
BUJÓRI skincare and its formulations are the intellectual property of Simona Maris.
Distinguished by its three principles for skin health, BUJÓRI skincare formulations
  1.  Follow the skin’s circadian rhythms
  2.  Allow the skin to perform its innate functions
  3.  Maintain the skin’s structure and functions.

Circadian rhythms influence our behavior and physiology in cycles of 24 hours periodicity. They are present in all nucleated cells in our body. Skin health depends on synchronicity with these cycles, namely protection from environmental exposure during the day and DNA repair and cell proliferation (regeneration and exfoliation) during the night.
The skin will properly coordinate and perform its functions, if we follow its circadian rhythms and maintain the integrity of its structure. Some of the skin’s innate functions are cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing. All these functions start at the cellular level and are coordinated through cellular signaling and nutrient appropriation.
The skin is equipped with its own skincare, namely the acid mantle, the microbiome, and the lipidome. Together, they maintain the skin’s structural integrity so that its functions can be performed. Limiting our interference, be it mechanical or chemical, will maintain optimal skin structure and functions.
BUJÓRI skincare formulations maintain the structural integrity of the skin using skin compatible ingredients. Each formulation integrates with your skin's biological rhythms for optimal use.

MORNING skincare prepares the skin for its diurnal cycle of protection

fortíFielle morning serum maintains the skin’s natural armor, the biofilm that prevents moisture loss, reinforcing the skin’s protective mechanism during the day.

EVENING skincare prepares the skin for its nocturnal cycle of renewal and repair

sopíFielle skin cleanser maintains the structural integrity of the skin, removing intended and unintended particles that accumulate on the skin throughout the day.

        ecóuFielle skin cleanser maintains the structural integrity of the skin, providing the gentlest cleansing for those who do not wear makeup.

        ámpliFielle evening serum maintains hydration and the elasticity of the epidermis, contributing to barrier formation.