BUJÓRI skincare daily routine

MORNING      align with the skin's protective function
      1. mist or splash the skin with cool water to invigorate it
      2. apply fortíFielle morning serum
    EVENING      align with the skin's regenerative function
        1. cleanse with sopíFielle cleanser if you wear makeup
        2. cleanse with ecouFielle skin cleanser if you do not wear makeup
        3. apply ámpliFielle evening serum 

      Circadian rhythms influence our behavior and physiology in cycles of 24 hours periodicity. They are present in all nucleated cells in our body. The skin is one of the organs directed by these rhythms and skin health depends on synchronicity with the daylight and nocturnal cycles.
      During the day, the skin's main function is that of protection from environmental exposure. During the night, the skin's main functions are those of DNA repair and cell proliferation (regeneration and exfoliation).

          It is essential to follow the skin’s biological cycles when we care for our skin.

          Cleansing the skin of environmental pollutants and other contaminants that accumulate on the skin throughout the day should be performed in the evening to prepare the skin for its nighttime cycle. During the night, the skin reestablishes its protective barrier in preparation for the following day. This natural protective barrier that helps to maintain optimal function throughout the day should not be stripped off in the morning. Simply splashing or misting the skin with cool water will suffice for invigorating the skin and preparing it for daytime product application.


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